Your First Remote Hire: 5 Top Things to Consider



Your First Remote Hire: 5 Top Things to Consider

Hiring remotely could prove to be a daunting task, especially for first timers who are used to traditional hiring strategies or are used to connecting to a local placement agency. But in this day and age, you need to get well-versed in surfing through the humongous world of virtual assistant companies and reap the benefits of virtual assistant services. For your first remote hire, here are five top things you need to consider:

1.Scrutinize the candidate’s track record

At, we only field a potential freelancer with the very best record of achievement in his or her chosen field. Shady virtual assistant companies or any placement agency for that matter, who haphazardly fields a freelancer without reputable background or a record of tried and tested skills and capacity for remote jobs or work from home jobs will soon lose reputation and credibility. Since hiring is done remotely, some proof or evidence – a diploma, or a certificate, or a record should be shown as proof. Only hire a virtual assistant if you can truly screen them firsthand.

2. Tap a reputable placement agency

In the age of fake news and astroturfing, it is easy to fall into online scams and nefarious placement agencies who are only after your hard-earned cash. Due diligence is needed in finding a reputable placement agency where you could hire a virtual assistant for remote jobs or work from home jobs. Hire a VA from a placement agency who not only has good reviews on the Internet but are also known by people you trust and work with. Also, choose virtual assistant companies that field candidates from reputable countries. For example, at, we field only the best and brightest VAs from the Philippines, as we understand that when we field a candidate, the agency’s reputation is also on the line.

3. Master the art of remote interviews

Hiring remotely usually requires you conducting the interview through video chat. The best way to get the best results is to prepare a set of interview questions that will compel the candidate to reveal his/her real identity. Many specialists advise using behavioural questions or having situation-based questions that will compel the candidate to explain how he/she will respond to such a situation. It’s difficult to cheat on such a line of questioning, even if the interview is done online!

4. Set a trial period

This is important: as it is risky to hire a VA, you are not required to offer a permanent position right on the spot. Having a “trial period” or “contractual period” wherein you can actually test the potential of your new recruit can help you properly gauge their skills.

5. Let them fit in

A remote hire usually finds it difficult to settle in your company or team, as they are actually working away from you and your actual team. That is simply the inescapable nature of a team providing virtual assistant services. A good getting-to-know or jam session can bolster their confidence and sense of fitting in. Some experts recommend even creating a set of webinars that will guide newbies through their new virtual working environment. A smooth-flowing communication system also helps ensure that the VA you hired will not get lost in the labyrinth of the workflow. Without these guides, new hire might just get easily discouraged and opt out of the job immediately. We certainly don’t want that!

Want to tap the best VAs for your team? Head to for details.

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